Physiotherapy for Male Incontinence


Do you suffer from male incontinence? You are not alone. Incontinence is a common problem among men and can have a significant impact on their overall quality of life.

The good news is that physiotherapy offers effective treatment options for male incontinence. Men’s health physiotherapy focuses specifically on pelvic floor muscle exercises and techniques to strengthen these muscles, which can help alleviate urinary leakage and improve bladder control. Keep reading to learn more about physiotherapy for male incontinence and how it can help you regain your confidence and improve your daily life!

Understanding Male Incontinence And Its Causes

Male incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine, and it can be classified into three types: stress, urge, and overflow incontinence.

Definition And Types Of Male Incontinence

Male incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine, which can affect men of all ages. There are several types of male incontinence, including stress urinary incontinence (SUI), urge urinary incontinence, and overflow urinary incontinence. SUI occurs when pressure or physical exertion on the bladder causes urine to leak out, while urge urinary incontinence happens when there is a sudden and intense need to urinate that cannot be controlled.

Overflow urinary incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty properly and becomes overfull, leading to leakage. Mixed urinary incontinence is a combination of these types. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as prostate cancer treatment or neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease could also cause temporary or long-term male urinary dysfunction leading to male continency problems. Understanding the type of male continency problem you have will help determine what kind of physiotherapy exercises would work best for your specific situation.

Causes, Risk Factors And Impact On Quality Of Life

Male incontinence can be caused by a variety of factors such as prostate cancer treatment, neurological disease, and trauma to the pelvic area. Other risk factors include obesity, aging, smoking and being diabetic. The impact on the quality of life for men who experience urinary incontinence can be significant. It can lead to social withdrawal due to embarrassment or fear of accidents occurring when out in public.

In addition, it can cause anxiety which may impact sexual function leading to decreased intimacy with a partner. Furthermore, work productivity may also suffer if persistent leakage results in regular disruptions throughout the day. Seeking help from a physiotherapist who specializes in male health could provide solutions to these issues.

How Physiotherapy Can Help Treat Male Incontinence

Physiotherapy offers a range of treatments to help manage male incontinence, including pelvic floor muscle exercises, electrical stimulation therapy and biofeedback. Want to know more about the benefits of physiotherapy for male urinary control? Keep reading!

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Pelvic floor muscle exercises are an essential part of physiotherapy for male incontinence. These exercises target the muscles that support the bladder, urethra, and rectum to help strengthen them. Regular pelvic floor muscle training can improve urinary and anal sphincter function, which helps reduce leakage or urgency associated with incontinence.

There is a range of different pelvic floor muscle exercises available to males suffering from urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises are among the most effective methods used by physiotherapists today. They involve repeated squeezing of the pelvic floor muscles to strengthen them over time. Abdominal and trunk strengthening exercises may also be prescribed, as these support good posture and alignment required for improved continence management.

It is important to note that performing pelvic floor muscle exercises correctly is vital if men want to achieve desirable results. Therefore, it’s recommended that patients receive advice or guidance from a professional pelvic floor physiotherapist before attempting any exercise at home. In many cases, electrical stimulation therapy (EST) may also complement PFMT programs to amplify treatment effectiveness by providing a passive workout routine while helping build stronger connections between nerve pathways of interest during recovery sessions

Techniques For Strengthening Pelvic Muscles

Pelvic floor muscle exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, are the most common and effective technique used to strengthen pelvic muscles. These exercises involve the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, which can be done sitting, standing or lying down. The goal is to repeat these contractions regularly for several weeks or months until noticeable improvement in urinary control is achieved.

Another technique for strengthening pelvic muscles is electrical stimulation therapy. This involves using a small probe inserted into the rectum or vagina that sends electrical impulses to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles while patients perform their daily activities. Electrical stimulation has been shown to significantly improve urinary incontinence symptoms in men with post-prostatectomy incontinence.

Biofeedback therapy is another method that can be used alongside strengthening techniques. It involves using sensors placed on specific areas of the body, such as around the anal area and lower abdomen, which provide visual feedback on muscle activity during exercise. Biofeedback helps people better understand how to contract and relax their pelvic floor muscles properly, leading to improved bladder control over time.

Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Electrical stimulation therapy is another form of treatment for male incontinence that can be performed by a qualified physiotherapist. This involves the use of low-frequency electrical currents to stimulate the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. The electrical stimulation helps to improve muscle strength and endurance, which results in better urinary control over time.

During an electrical stimulation session, the therapist will place electrodes on specific areas around the bladder and rectum region. A mild electric current is then passed through these electrodes, causing the pelvic floor muscles to contract and relax rhythmically. These contractions help to strengthen weak muscles and restore the proper function of the urethral sphincter.

Electrical stimulation therapy may be combined with other treatments such as biofeedback training or Kegel exercises for maximum effectiveness. With regular sessions under the guidance of a skilled physiotherapist, this therapy can lead to significant improvements in bladder control, reducing symptoms associated with male incontinence such as leaking urine during physical activities or coughing/sneezing episodes.

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for male incontinence. This technique involves the use of sensors to track and monitor muscle activity, allowing patients to learn how to control their pelvic floor muscles better. Biofeedback therapy helps men develop an awareness of when they are contracting or relaxing these muscles so that they can strengthen them effectively over time.

Studies have shown that biofeedback therapy can be highly effective in treating different types of male incontinence. It has been found to be particularly helpful after radical prostatectomy, with one study reporting 80% success rates after six months of biofeedback treatment. Additionally, this type of physiotherapy offers a more natural way to manage bladder control issues compared to medication or surgery, making it an attractive option for many men dealing with incontinence.

In conclusion, biofeedback therapy is a valuable tool for the management and treatment of male urinary incontinence. The benefits include improved bladder control and reduced discomfort while avoiding reliance on medication or surgical intervention. Seek advice from experienced pelvic health physiotherapists as part of conservative management options for improving your quality of life if you’re experiencing any form of continence issues.

Benefits Of Physiotherapy For Male Incontinence

Physiotherapy for male incontinence offers benefits such as improved bladder control and reduced symptoms, avoidance of medication and surgery, improved sexual function, and an overall improvement in quality of life.

Improved Bladder Control And Reduced Symptoms And Discomfort

Pelvic floor muscle exercises have been found to be successful in treating male urinary incontinence. Through the regular practice of these exercises, men can significantly improve their bladder control and reduce symptoms of discomfort caused by incontinence. By working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist and following a tailored physiotherapy program, men can develop better control over their pelvic muscles and see an improvement in overall quality of life.

In addition to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercise, electrical stimulation therapy is also available as a treatment option for male urinary incontinence. This technique involves placing electrodes on the skin over the pelvic region to stimulate contractions of the underlying muscles. Combined with targeted physical therapy exercises, this form of therapy has proven effective at improving bladder control and reducing symptoms such as urgency and frequency. Seeking help from a physiotherapist who specializes in male continence care can provide access to these beneficial treatments for those suffering from this condition.

Avoidance Of Medication And Surgery

Physiotherapy offers an alternative to medication and surgery for the management of male urinary incontinence. By strengthening pelvic floor muscles through exercises, men can avoid the side effects associated with medications and the risks associated with surgery. The use of physiotherapy as a conservative method has been found to be effective in managing incontinence symptoms among men.

In addition, physical therapy for incontinence leads to long-term benefits since it is a sustainable treatment option that teaches patients practical skills they can use on their own at home. There is also no risk of dependence, unlike with medication which may cause withdrawal symptoms when stopped abruptly. With physiotherapy, men can enjoy better bladder control without any adverse effects or complications.

Moreover, improved sexual function is one of the added advantages of physiotherapy for male incontinence patients who may have experienced erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy surgery. Physical therapy treatments bolster penile functions through regular kegel exercises tailored specifically to each patient’s condition. Better sexual health is a fantastic benefit that further improves the quality of life beyond treating urinary continence alone.

Overall, seeking out physical therapy treatment options offers many benefits for those suffering from urinary continence problems among males that need not require surgical intervention or pharmaceutical side effects; instead focusing on rehabilitation techniques around exercise regimes suited uniquely to each individual’s requirements provides excellent results confidently and comfortably over time.

Improved Sexual Function

Pelvic floor muscle exercises, commonly known as Kegel exercises, can help to improve sexual function in men suffering from urinary incontinence. These exercises strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining an erection and making ejaculation possible. In addition, physiotherapy techniques like biofeedback therapy can help train the pelvic muscles to work efficiently during sexual activity.

Moreover, seeking treatment for male incontinence can improve overall confidence and self-esteem levels that may have been impacted by the condition. This increased sense of well-being is likely to translate into more satisfying sexual experiences with partners. Improved bladder control also means fewer interruptions during intimacy due to bathroom breaks or accidents.

Furthermore, physical therapy for male incontinence has been shown to help patients with erectile dysfunction caused by nerve damage or blood flow issues. A skilled physiotherapist can perform specific techniques aimed at increasing blood flow and improving nerve function while addressing underlying causes like weak pelvic muscles. By reducing erectile dysfunction symptoms through regular exercise and training, many men experience improved overall libido levels.

Overall, physiotherapy interventions are effective ways of treating urinary incontinence that also offer unique benefits including improving various aspects of a patient’s sex life regardless of age or gender identity.

Improved Quality Of Life

Physiotherapy offers numerous benefits for men suffering from urinary incontinence, including improved quality of life. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels and biofeedback therapy, men can regain control over their bladder and reduce symptoms of incontinence. This increased control leads to a greater sense of freedom and confidence in daily activities.

One significant advantage of physiotherapy for male incontinence is that it can reduce discomfort without resorting to medication or surgery. Instead, patients undergo tailored rehabilitation therapy aimed at restoring optimal function to their urinary tract. This approach is often preferable as medication can have side effects while surgery has risks such as possible impotence or other complications.

By treating issues such as stress incontinence or post-prostatectomy urinary dysfunction with physical therapy techniques like pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), patients may notice improvements not only in urinary function but also sexual performance—a major factor contributing to the quality of life. Overall, seeking help early on for male urinary issues through physiotherapy can lead to substantial gains in well-being and self-esteem while avoiding more invasive interventions down the line.


Curious about physiotherapy for male incontinence? Discover answers to common questions such as how long it takes to see results and other treatment options available. Keep reading to find out more!

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Physiotherapy?

As with any form of physical therapy, the length of time it takes to see results from physiotherapy for male incontinence can vary depending on individual circumstances. Generally, improvements in bladder control and symptoms can be seen within a few weeks to a few months of regular sessions. However, every patient responds differently – some may notice significant changes after just a few sessions, while others may require more extended treatment before seeing positive results.

It’s also important to note that maintaining a consistent physiotherapy program is essential for achieving long-term benefits. Patients who commit to regular pelvic floor muscle exercises and other forms of physiotherapy are likely to experience better outcomes than those who don’t follow through with their treatment plan. Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as avoiding bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol or practicing mindful urination techniques can help enhance the effectiveness of physical therapy for incontinence management.

What Other Treatment Options Are Available For Male Incontinence?

Besides physiotherapy, there are several other treatment options available for male incontinence. The type of treatment recommended will depend on the severity and underlying cause of the condition. Medications may be prescribed to help relax bladder muscles or reduce inflammation. Certain surgical procedures, such as an artificial urinary sphincter or sling surgery, can also be effective in treating male incontinence.

Additionally, lifestyle changes may also play a role in managing male incontinence. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding bladder irritants (such as caffeine and alcohol) can help reduce symptoms. Bladder training exercises can improve bladder control by gradually increasing the time between bathroom breaks. In more severe cases, catheters or urinary collection devices may be used to manage continence.

It is important to note that seeking medical advice for male incontinence should not be stigmatized, as it is a common condition that affects many men. With proper diagnosis and management by a healthcare professional, men experiencing urinary leakage can regain control over their bladder function and improve their quality of life.

Can Physiotherapy Prevent Future Occurrences Of Male Incontinence?

Physiotherapy can be a preventative measure for male incontinence as well. Men who are at risk or have experienced urinary incontinence can benefit from pelvic floor muscle exercises and physical therapy to strengthen these muscles. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is essential not only for treating current symptoms but also for preventing future occurrences of urinary incontinence.

Through physiotherapy, men with a history of prostate surgery or other medical conditions that increase their risk of developing incontinence can learn techniques to minimize their chances of experiencing symptoms. By improving overall bladder control and strengthening surrounding muscles, men can prevent the onset of symptoms associated with urinary urgency, frequency, and leakage before they occur. Seeking advice from a qualified specialist about strengthening exercises may help reduce the likelihood of developing this condition further down the road.


Don’t let male incontinence dictate the quality of your life. Physiotherapy offers a safe and effective way to improve bladder control, avoid medication and surgery, boost sexual function, and enhance overall well-being.

From pelvic floor muscle exercises to biofeedback therapy, there are several techniques that can help you regain control over your urinary tract. Seeking help for incontinence may not be easy, but it is important to remember that physical therapy for urinary problems is available for both males and females alike. So don’t suffer in silence any longer – take charge of your health with physiotherapy today!

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy at Bergin Motion in Barrie

Here at Bergin Motion, we treat both men and women for various conditions related to pelvic floor issues. Our therapists provide the appropriate exercises and advice to treat conditions associated with weak pelvic floor muscles. Due to the nature of our pelvic floor treatments, all sessions take place in our private treatment rooms by a certified pelvic floor physiotherapist. If you or someone you know suffers from a condition related to the pelvic floor region book a treatment and let our therapists correct the problem.

Additional Resources

The National Library of Medicine article on Physiotherapy management of male incontinence.

Science Direct article on physiotherapy for male incontinence.


Physiotherapy For Male Pelvic Floor Health


Physiotherapy for Female Incontinence: Benefits and Conditions